Boy Blue Dance Workshops (KS2)
25 March 2020
This event did not go ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Based in London, Boy Blue are at the forefront of the UK’s urban dance scene, and as well as touring their shows internationally, they teach hip hop dance to hundreds of young people on a weekly basis. Their professional dancers are also highly trained teachers who enjoy bringing their art form to schools across the country.
Following on from the success of last year’s workshops, Boy Blue are returning to Saffron Hall on Wednesday 25 March 2020! We are welcoming schools with Key Stage 2 groups to book for the Dance workshop sessions.
Venue: Saffron Hall
Date of event: Wednesday 25 March 2020
Show times: 60 min workshops available for groups of up to 35
Ticket price: £80 per workshop
CDP Session: Wednesday 25 March, 15:45 – 17:30, £10 per teacher
This CPD session is open to everyone involved in primary school teaching - no dance experience necessary. It is also open to teachers from schools not taking part in the dance workshops earlier in the day.
Apply now
Tickets are available to book by application only. Please return your completed application form to by Monday 2 March or ring Katie on 01799 588538/07415 104370 for more information.