The Magic of Mozart (KS1)
09 March 2020

A project for KS1 pupils to explore the brilliance of Mozart! After a CPD session on 9 March 2020 (info below) and a workshop in school with two OAE players, children will join the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) at Saffron Hall on Thursday 30 April 2020 for an interactive, lively concert. Presented by composer James Redwood, pupils will be led through Mozart’s Symphony No. 29 and find out how Mozart gets players in the orchestra to work in teams, change sounds and even make a musical sandwich! They will also find out that Mozart wrote the tune for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, sing a new version accompanied by the OAE and find out about instruments in the orchestra in this one-hour concert specially designed for KS1 pupils.
Workshops will focus on: pitch, pulse, tempo, rhythm, singing, listening and responding, and evaluating music.
OAE aims of the CPD session and workshops are to: facilitate children’s engagement to the concert; to support the learning of key musical elements in the curriculum; introduce classical music and explore ways KS1 staff can incorporate it in their own practice; have fun!
Venue: Saffron Hall
Date: Thursday 30th April 2020
Show times: 10:45 and 13:15 shows (approx. 60 mins duration)
Ticket price: £5 per child (teachers go free)